Louisiana's waltz, 2-step, and zydeco dance styles are as diverse as the food, music, and language in the Creole state. We are passionate about helping you to tap into the depths of Louisiana's cultural roots while propagating new growth from the rich foundation that we dance upon. Our classes strive to offer dancers an environment that is supportive, encouraging, empowering, and strength-based for each individual and in partnership.

Private Dance Lessons 

Private Group Classes are a great way to build connections with friends, family, community members, colleagues, or any other combination of groups that you can think of!

Private Dance Lesson for One Couple 

60 min @ $85 per lesson

Private Group Dance Lessons for 3 - 6 People 

60 min @ $35 per person

Private Group Dance Lessons for 7 - 10 People 

60 min @ $30 per person

Private Group Dance Lessons for 12 or More People 

60 min @ $25 per person

Private Event Package 

Interested in hosting dance lessons at your private event? Fill out this form or contact us at louisianadanceroots@gmail.com!

Dancers For Hire

Interested in being a background dancer at an event?You're in luck!

Festival Dance Events

Did you know we offer dance lessons at festivals around Louisiana and the US as well?Fill out the form below to book us for your festival, or see the Events page to learn which festivals we will be attending.

View the event schedule list to see which upcoming festivals and events Louisiana Dance Roots will be at. 

This is a document that is updated weekly.

We accept payments for classes via the following service providers: